Adding or Removing Samples from the SCIEX OS Software Results Table

日期: 11/03/2021

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


Open a results table in the Analytics workspace in SCIEX OS Software.

  1. Select the More menu > Add samples.
  2. In the Select Samples dialog, select the required samples.
    1. The Available pane shows the sub-folders, wiff2 files, and samples available in the data folder for the current project.
    2. Expand individual folders to see any sub-folders or wiff2 files. If the wiff2 file is expanded, then it opens to show the available samples.
    3. Use the right arrows to add or left arrow to remove samples.
    4. Select samples in the following ways:
      1. Double-click an individual sample.
      2. Select a sample or data file and then click on the left or right arrow.
      3. Drag a sample or data file from the left pane to the right pane.
Press Shift or Ctrl to select multiple files or samples before moving them.
  1. Click OK.
A progress bar is shown while the new samples are integrated and added to the existing table.