Is It Possible to View Extracted Ions in Separate Panes in SCIEX OS Software?

日期: 12/15/2021

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


To show extracted ions in SCIEX OS software, the data file must be opened in the Explore module and then Ctrl+E is used to extract the ions of interest. Next, select the Split Traces into Separate Panes option in the Graph drop down menu.
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A screen (Number of Columns) will appear asking how many columns the extracted peaks should be displayed in the Explore view. Selecting 1 column will stack all the XICs on top of each other. There is also an option to place each graph in a new window. Select OK in the Number of Columns screen. The chromatograms will appear as shown below if  the 1 column option was selected.

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