

Where Can I Download Skyline Unplugged for a Windows 10 64-bit PC?

Link is provided and installations instructions are described

How to Install Skyline Software on an Off-Line Computer

To download Skyline software on a computer that is not connected to the internet, use the Unplugged installer or the Administrator installer:

Can Skyline Version 4.2.1 and Higher Process .wiff2 File Formats?

Yes , Skyline version 4.2.1 can process .wiff2 files generated using SCIEX OS software.

What Is Skyline Software and What Data Types Does It Work With?

This article includes a general description of the features of Skyline software and the possible data formats from SCIEX instruments that work with Skyline.

Where Can I Download Skyline Software ?

This article includes the link to a free download of Skyline software.