Larger scale biological studies and clinical translational research Omics studies in precision medicine with SWATH Acquisition can generate large amounts of quantitative data, rich in information, that needs to be processed and interrogated for potential biomarkers or features of interest. The new generation of the OneOmics™ Project, integrated into SCIEX Cloud is a unified processing pipeline with the speed and scale to enable end-to-end processing of large-scale proteomics and metabolomics data from LC-MS as well as facilitating correlation with genomics data. With the power of the cloud you can now get to real biological results faster.
This collaborative platform enables researchers to share their proteomics and metabolomics data with collaborators within the highly secure SCIEX cloud environment, allowing researchers in collaborative projects to access results faster, accelerating progress of such projects. Results can be explored in a biological context with easy to use applications that can be accessed from anywhere.
Data processing speed and scale to match your industrialized Omics approaches.
Biological context in the palm of your hand. Browse your genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics data on your tea break!
Access your Omics data from everywhere, share your data with everyone.
Discover the proteomics data processing pipeline within SCIEX Cloud. How to drive large-scale SWATH Acquisition experiments through to results with easy to use applications for experimental design, data processing and data visualization.
SWATH Acquisition used to explore knockout and proteome-wide changes in zebrafish as a result of CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing. The power of SCIEX Cloud allows global data processing of SWATH Acquisition data and interrogation of biological process enrichment as a result of the knockout.
Proteomic and transcriptomic analysis of neural differentiation of human embryonic stem cells. Comparison of RNA and protein expression levels in SCIEX Cloud shows the benefit of multi-Omics analysis in characterising biological processes.
Learn more about SCIEX Cloud on our community! Discover posts on how to get started. Full details on apps and functionality in our Cloud Talks series, and access demo data.
Fast MS/MS Acquisition, and robust low-flow approaches for in-depth and large-scale quantitative Omics using IDA and SWATH Acquisition approaches.
Powerful ProteinPilot Software to generate ion libraries for proteomics applications from IDA data.
The ultimate digital record. SWATH Acquisition captures every detectable MS/MS feature in a sample.