作为合作伙伴,SCIEX致力于帮助您实现实验室的发展目标。SCIEX 与您一起,利用定制的服务方案实现:
SCIEX 凭借多年的丰富经验和专业咨询,可以帮助您实现实验室的愿景。
*SCIEX 不提供、开发或优化用于临床诊断的方法或试验。
Regulatory compliance and software validation is complex, time-consuming, and costly. Get trained, certified SCIEX engineers to guide you through Installation Qualification (IQ), Operational Qualification (OQ), Performance Qualification (PQ), and Re-Qualification.
Support and training to help you optimize your applications, troubleshoot workflows, and better utilize software
实验室优化服务可以让您的实验室变得更加高效 在 SCIEX 经验丰富的 LC-MS 实验室优化服务团队的支持下,我们将帮助您改进工作流程,在短短六周内提高分析通量,降低成本并改进整体质量。
Access your current infrastructure including hardware, firmware, and software and receive recommendations for optimal LC-MS communication, informatics, and peripheral connections across your existing network.
SCIEX Diagnostics products are for in vitro diagnostic use. Product(s) may not be available in all countries. For information on availability, please contact your local representative. All other SCIEX products are for research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.AB Sciex is operating as SCIEX.© 2018. AB Sciex. The trademarks mentioned herein are the property of AB Sciex Pte. Ltd. or their respective owners. AB SCIEX™ is being used under license.