日期: | 10/03/2024 |
类别: | SCIEX OS software |
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Starting with the release of version 3.3.1, SCIEX OS software includes many new calculated column functions that were unavailable previously in the Calculated Columns section of the Analytics processing method. Below is a description of these new functions and how to use them.
For additional information regarding these functions and their syntax, please refer to the "Formula Page" within the Analytics pane help system in SCIEX OS software.
? |
A question mark (?) finds any single character. Note: To search for a question mark (?), type a backslash (\) before the character. Example: SEARCH('\?';[Component Comment];1)
\? finds "?" in the text "Test wild card characters (?) and (*)". The return position is 28. |
* |
An asterisk (*) finds any sequence of characters. Note: To search for an asterisk (*), type a backslash (\) before the character.
Example: SEARCH('\*';[Component Comment];1) \* finds "*" in the text "Test wild card characters (?) and (*)". The return position is 36. |
Gets the angle with the cosine, which is the value of a results table column or the specified number. The ACOS function is not available on the calculator but can be typed. |
Gets the angle with the sine, which is the value of a results table column or the specified number. The ASIN function is not available on the calculator but can be typed. |
Gets the angle with the arc tangent, which is the value of a results table column or the specified number. The ATAN function is not available on the calculator but can be typed. |
Gets the smallest integer that is more than or equal to the value shown in the specified results table column or the specified number. |
Gets the cosine of an angle, which can be specified as the value of a results table column or as a number. The COS function is not available on the calculator but can be typed. |
Gets e raised to the specified power, which can be the value of a results table column or the specified number. |
Gets the position of the specified characters in the text in a standard or custom results table column. The FIND function does not support wild card characters. |
FLOOR1,2 |
Gets the largest integer that is less than or equal to the number shown in the specified results table column or the specified number. |
Gets values from a standard or custom results table column for the sample of the selected type. |
Gets the value from a standard or custom results table column for the sample of the selected type with a value closest to the user-specified value. |
Gets the value from a standard or custom results table column for the closest sample of the selected type with a value less than or equal to the user-specified value. |
Gets the value from a standard or custom results table column for the closest sample of the selected type that has a value more than or equal to the user-specified value. |
Gets the value from a standard or custom results table column for the sample of the selected type with a value equal to the user-specified value. |
Gets the remainder that is the result of dividing a results table column or user-specified number by another results table column or user-specified number. The IEEEREMAINDER function is not available on the calculator but can be typed. |
IN |
Identifies if an element is in a set of values. If the element is in the set, then true is supplied. If the element is not in the set, then false is supplied. |
Gets the point where the graph of a function or relation intersects with the opposite axis of the coordinate system. |
Identifies a value in a cell in the results table as numeric or non-numeric. If the value is a number, then true is supplied. If the value is not a number, then false is supplied. |
Gets a specified number of characters from the start of the text. |
Gets the logarithm of the specified number. |
LOG10 |
Gets the base 10 logarithm of the specified number. |
Gets a measure of the variability of a univariate sample of quantitative data. The MAD function is not available on the calculator but can be typed. |
Gets a specified number raised to the specified power. |
RIGHT11,12,13 |
Gets the specified number of characters from the end of the text. |
ROUND1,2 |
Rounds the number in the specified results table column or specified by the user to the nearest integer or specified number of decimal places. |
SEARCH11,14,15 |
Gets the position of the specified characters in the text in a standard or custom Results. SEARCH supports the use of the wildcard characters. |
Gets a value that identifies the sign of the value of a results table column or the specified number. The SIGN function is not available on the calculator but can be typed. |
Gets the sine of a specified angle, specified as the value of a results table column or as a number. The SIN function is not available on the calculator but can be typed. |
Gets a number that identifies both the direction and steepness of the line. Also referred to as gradient. |
Gets the square root of the value of a results table column or the specified number. |
Makes a column in the results table that replaces an alphanumeric value with another one from a standard or custom results table column. |
Gets the tangent of an angle, which can be specified as the value of a results table column or as a number. The TAN function is not available on the calculator but can be typed. |
TRIM11 |
Removes extra spaces from text. All leading, trailing, and internal spaces, except for those that divide words, are removed from a standard or custom results table column. |
Gets the integral part of a number in a results table column. |
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