Error when adding samples to a results table in lower versions of SCIEX OS software

日期: 08/22/2024
类别: SCIEX OS software

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Issue Description

When adding samples to a results table created in a version of SCIEX OS below 3.0, the following error will appear: "Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute. Do you want to see debug information for reporting the problem?"

adding samples bug pic 1.JPG
adding samples bug pic 2.JPG


This error is a known bug when creating results tables in SCIEX OS software, appearing only when the processing method contains a custom combined flagging rule.

To use this type of processing method without having to upgrade the software as a workaround, users can remove or uncheck the combined flagging rule in the embedded method, add the samples, and then include the combined rule after adding the samples.

This bug was addressed in SCIEX OS software version 3.0, so, ultimately, the solution is to upgrade the software.