How to calculate statistic values of Unknowns in SCIEX OS v3.3.1

日期: 09/19/2024
类别: SCIEX OS software

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


With the GETSAMPLEEQUAL operator in v3.3.1 it is possible to search for a user-specified value from a column in the same column but another sample, to display the value from another column from this sample with the equal value.
Syntax: GETSAMPLEEQUAL([Results Table Column to display value];[Results Table Column to compare value])
If we use equal numeric [Sample Comments] as prerequisites for our Unknown duplicates we can set up the calculation like that:
GETSAMPLEEQUAL([Area];[Sample Comment])
And as second step for example to calculate the mean value:
([1_Get Area of equal sample comment]+[Area])/2
There is one limitation that needs to be considered: If multiple processed samples have the same input value, then the software supplies data from the first processed sample that has a match. That means for this approach, that the ‘proper’ values for further calculations are only available in the second injection of our replicates (see blue shaded rows below) – the first injection will only contain its own values.
A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Comment on other software versions:
For versions prior to SCIEX OS v3.3.1 the solution via a reporter query. Starting with SCIEX OS v3.4 there is enhanced functionality in the statistics pane, statistical values for Unknows can be transferred seamlessly into the results table.

If you have further questions or need help with the mentioned functionality, please raise a case with SCIEXNow. (