Purpose of PTD files in project folders in Analyst® software

日期: 10/26/2024
类别: Analyst software

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


Files with the PTD (.ptd) extension are database event logs in Analyst® software located within the event log folders in the Analyst Data sub-projects. The event log folders where the PTD files are saved have the same name as the quantitation method database or results tables from which the event logs are generated. Users can open these files with Notepad, but the information is used internally by the software and is not helpful for end-user purposes. If an event log is absent, it will be created when needed (usually when a database or file is opened or created).


For example, the database QuantSettings.sdb in the Project Information folder has a PTD file (f0000000.ptd) associated with it within this path (as pictured below): Analyst Data\Projects\Example\Project Information\eventlog\QuantSettings.sdb

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Similarly, when a results table is saved, a PTD file will be generated and saved to a folder with the same name as the results table in the following path: Analyst Data\Projects\Example\Results\eventlog\Result Table A.rdb

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The PTD file is also created when the quantitation method database (QuantSettings.sdb) is created. For example, the folder shown below, mix 1.qmf, corresponds to a quantitation method with the same name. This folder contains a PTD file representing the event log for the QuantSettings.sdb file.

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Analyst software uses Versant FastObjects 11 software components to create, open, and save some Analyst software files. Versant components are part of the Analyst software installation (with a copyright license agreement). File f0000000.ptd is an event log file created by FastObject 11. Initially, it contains only the file and software information (path and version). Analyst software does not need the file, so users can delete the eventlog folder if required.


Note: The QuantSettings.sdb file contains valuable information about project table settings and should not be removed from the Project Information folder. However, the event log file and folder (eventlog, see below) that records this file's creation could be erased.